Nov 03, 2021
Hi, this is Enrique America. And my father and myself came from Guadalajara, Mexico to PC our planning here because we couldn't find, uh, a way to improve our Bishop because of technology we have available is very limited. The resources for low vision patients is very small in the...
Feb 01, 2021
Low vision is not something that means blindness. It just means reduced vision that we can fix with other means, such as magnifiers, telescopes, microscopes, and many other accessibilities and accommodations.
Apr 10, 2019
Your eyes and your vision are unique, and not all glasses frames and lenses support all vision prescriptions.
Feb 03, 2019
When someone has low vision, it can affect their level of productivity and independence when doing their job.
Jan 10, 2019
Astigmatism is a common eye condition that occurs when there is an imperfection in the shape of the cornea of the lens that can lead to blurry or distorted vision. Regular eye exams in Las Vegas can help you detect this and other vision issues.People can either be born with...
Dec 02, 2018
RICHARDSON – November 29, 2018 – Click here to see the news video: A Mesquite, Texas resident and seeBOOST user was the subject of a highly rated story on the evening news broadcast by the Dallas ABC affiliate, WFAA Channel 8. Don Douglas was previously featured on WFAA for his...
Nov 07, 2018
Visit YESnick Vision Center for Life-Changing Low Vision Aids! Do you have an aging parent who has some form of visual impairment? If so, your situation is not unique. Many age-related eye diseases and conditions can lead to low vision, such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, or diabetic retinopathy. Typically, no...
Aug 14, 2018
At YESnick Vision Center, we specialize in helping people with low vision to regain or maintain their independence and enhance their quality of life. How do we do this? By matching and fitting people with the most appropriate low vision aids and rehabilitation. Fortunately, there is a vast selection of...
Jul 02, 2018
First, 3D Printed Human Cornea - UK Scientists The most advanced artificial cornea ever has been created by scientists using 3D printing and human stem cells. This was done by scientists at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom. The technology, if successfully developed, should be able to help millions of...
Jul 02, 2018
Artificial Iris is now FDA approved The first stand-alone prosthetic iris in the United States has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This approval would open doors for patients with certain types of eye damage to get the needed help to enable them to see clearly and...
May 10, 2018
We Offer a Range of Optical Low Vision Devices in Las Vegas If you have Low Vision, your regular prescription glasses probably do not provide you with adequate vision for all of your tasks. Fortunately, there are many low vision devices to enhance your sight. To benefit from the best...
Apr 12, 2018
People of all ages will tell you that driving is a key to independence and for some a convenient or enjoyable activity. Persons with vision loss are not an exception in any case.
Apr 08, 2018
IrisVision has created a low-cost visual aid system for people with low vision. This high-tech invention uses a Samsung Galaxy smartphone mounted in a Samsung Gear VR headset.
Mar 26, 2018
Low Vision Treatment for Everyone Who Needs It Welcome to the Vision Recovery Center, a Las Vegas nonprofit organization founded by Dr. David Yesnick and his wife, Sandy. Our unique eye care center provides top-notch and high-tech vision services to people who cannot afford the treatments they need in order...
Mar 04, 2018
Macular degeneration is one of the most common eye diseases in America, diagnosed primarily in patients over 60 years old. As this ocular disease progresses, it damages the macula and destroys central vision. People therefore experience a darkening or blurring in the middle of what they are looking at. This...
Feb 18, 2018
It’s that time of the year again. Each February, the optometric community bands together to create awareness about age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is a leading cause of vision loss for people 50 years and older; early detection plays a key role in the outcome of the disease. That’s why...
Dec 25, 2017
As many as 2 out of every 3 patients who have a stroke will experience serious vision loss, including a condition called Hemianopia. According to the 2017 report from the American Heart Association: "Approximately 795,000 strokes occur in the United States each year. On average, every 40 seconds, someone in...
Dec 04, 2017
Low Vision is defined as having reduced visual abilities. As opposed to blindness, people with Low Vision maintain some level of functioning eyesight. However, regular daily tasks may be challenging. Our experienced optometrist, Dr. Yesnick, specializes in caring for patients with Low Vision. Using many different techniques and strategies we will...
Jun 21, 2017
Our Las Vegas Eye Doctor Specializes in Visual Impairments Vision loss can be traumatic and overwhelming. Daily tasks that were once easy are now difficult. You may experience a loss of independence and feelings of isolation or helplessness. You need an experienced and expert eye doctor who understands – and...
May 10, 2017
Eye Doctors Weigh In: How Smoking Can Harm Your Vision & Eye Health We all know that smoking is bad for you, especially the risks that it poses to your heart and lungs. What many people do not know is that cigarette smoke negatively affects your eyes and vision too. Smoking...
Mar 15, 2017
1. Spectacle Miniature Telescopes Designed for tasks requiring better central vision and mobility, these glasses are used by drivers to see signs and traffic lights, by grandparents to see grandchildren playing soccer and bridge players to see cards on the table. 2. Implantable Miniature Telescopes This cataract implant is surgically...
Feb 14, 2017
Age-related macular degeneration is a serious condition that can threaten your vision and general well-being. Characterized by the deterioration of the central area of the retina called the macula which is responsible for focused vision, the disease gradually reduces your central vision. This affects the ability to see fine details,...
Nov 28, 2016
Las Vegas, Nevada – October, 2016 - YESnick Vision Center is recognized and recommended as the leading optometry practice in Las Vegas by many satisfied local and worldwide patients. As one of the very few optometrists in the region qualified to treat low vision, Dr. David YESnick O.D., provides expert,...
May 18, 2016
UV Awareness Month: This article might scare you, and we hope it does - just enough to motivate you to wear proper eye protection against the sun. Most people are aware of the dangers ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun pose to your skin, while the long-term effects of sun...
Feb 10, 2016
February is AMD and Low Vision Awareness Month in the United States, and it’s White Cane Week in Canada. Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of vision loss in adults aged 50 and older. Awareness about the disease, the risk factors and prevention are critical, even for younger...
Oct 05, 2015
Dr. YESnick is pleased to announce the arrival of the newest member of the award-winning Prodigi family. The Prodigi™ Connect 12 is a highly portable digital magnifier and 12-inch tablet that features an open Android platform with access to more than a million apps and native synchronization to Google's...
Apr 03, 2015
Regular visits to your eye doctor provide an important yardstick by which your ophthalmologist can measure the health of your eyes and body. A vision test can determine whether you need eyeglasses or contacts to improve your vision, as well as diagnose and monitor chronic eye conditions. YESnick Vision Center...
Aug 01, 2014
Dr. YESnick is pleased to announce the arrival of the newest member of the award-winning Prodigi family. The Prodigi™ Connect 12 is a highly portable digital magnifier and 12-inch tablet that ......
Jan 01, 2013
When it comes to your eyes, you deserve to work with a qualified eye doctor that can truly help you maintain your vision and fix any conditions that might threaten it. Dr. YESnick is one of these eye doctors and he continuously works hard to ensure that every single patient...